Irish Potato Candy


Theres a weird thing I have to tell you: this candy is not Irish.

Another strange thing you should know: this candy does not have a trace of potato in it.

It is, however, a traditional confection from Philadelphia made from coconut, cream cheese, butter, and sugar.

If you dont think that coconut, cream cheese, butter, and sugar make a winning combination you must not like me very much. Thats a shame, really.


These crazy confections were brought to my attention by my Philadelphia friend Jenelle. I cant call her my Philly friend that just sounds weird.

Jenelle has seen me freak out over chicken. Jenelle has seen me cry over a boy. Jenelle tells me I look pretty exactly when I need to hear it. Jenelle designs all of the super cute headers for my website. She sent me a text message about Irish Potatoes and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. A few bizarre text messages and a Google search later. here we are celebrating St. Patricks Day, Philly style with non Irish/non potato treats.

Ps. This post is a perfect example: if youre nice if you text it it may come.


These no-bake, bite-sized candies are super simple to make and all too easy to eat 4 dozen of for br! eakfast in your slippers. (Dont be like me. At least put your shoes on.)

Why are they called Irish Potatoes? The coconut is shaped into plump balls and tossed in cocoa and cinnamon. They look like potatoes. According to Philadelphia tradition theyre the perfect St. Patricks Day treat.


Who are we to scoff at tradition?

Irish Potato Candy

Makes: about 3 dozen candies

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1/4 cup (half a stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature

4 oz cream cheese, softened

4 cups powdered sugar, plus more for rolling

pinch of salt

8 oz unsweetened or sweetened coconut, toasted

1 tablespoon honey

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place coconut on an ungreased baking sheet and place coconut in the oven. Toast for about 4 to 6 minutes. Coconut toasts quickly, so keep an eye on it. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

In a large bowl, use a wooden spoon to combine softened butter and cream cheese. Blend in the honey, salt, and vanilla extract. Stir in the powdered sugar, one cup at a time, stirring slowly so the powdered sugar doesnt fly all over the counter. The mixture will be thick. Fold in the toasted coconut . Mixture will still be thick. Work it together.

In a small bowl, portion out about 1/3 cup powdered sugar. In another small bowl, whisk together cocoa and cinnamon. Dust hands lightly with powdered sugar. Roll about 2 teaspoons of candy dough into a small potato-shaped ball. Toss in cocoa and cinnamon mixture and place on a! cookie sheet. Repeat until all the candy dough is rolled and tossed. Refrigerate for an hour, or until hardened enough to pack into little gift bags.

Candies will last, in the refrigerator, for up to one week. Good luck keeping them around that long. Seriously.


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