tiny poppy seed taschen

tiny poppy seed hamantaschen

My track record with hamantaschen those three-cornered filled cookies traditionally limited to Purim, but shouldnt be, because did I mention that theyre cookies? And you can fill them with whatever you want? is abysmal. I cant seem to find a recipe that allows them to be as fragrant, buttery, delicate and delicious as I believe they were meant to be that does not completely fall apart once baked. I suspect my insistence on finding my hamantaschen nirvana in a cream cheese-based dough cream cheese, although tangy and delicious, seems to just flop down and laze about like a kitten in the sun once it hits the oven plays a part although, given, my sealing technique also leaves a lot to be desired. The first year I attempted a recipe on this site, they puffed and pancaked open in the oven. The second year was no better. The third and fourth year, I didnt even bother.

poppy seeds
zest an orange

But this year, I spied a recipe in Wednesdays New York Times that although cream cheese-free, gave me hope. Plus, Ive head so much about traditional poppy seed fillings, but confess that I have no experience with them. The fact that this called for one from sc! ratch (a s in, not open a can of poppy seed filling) delighted me and the cookie, with its egg yolks and butter, seemed to carry all the marks of a great sweet tart crust-ish/sable-like cookie dough.

poppy seed filling

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