Cooling Wintermelon Soup
Soup Name: Cooling Wintermelon Soup
Traditional Chinese Name: 祛濕清熱冬瓜湯 (qū shī qīngrè dōngguā tāng)
A must drink for the hot, stuffy summers. It helps cools the body, reduces heatiness and eliminates overheating. While mildly sweet and light to taste, this is a common and very popular soup in the Cantonese soup repertoire. There are a variety of ways to make this soup, but this is the most basic.
1 pound of fresh pork shank
1 large slice of wintermelon
5-6 honey dates
2 tablespoons of hyacinth beans
5 g of dried lily bulb (or 5-6 pieces)
20 g of fu ling
10-12 lotus seeds
2-3 L of water
How do I prepare it
- Blanch fresh pork shank in a pot of boiling water
- Boil your soup water
- Wash and cut wintermelon into cubes (separate skin from meat) - skin is still added to soup
- Rinse all other ingredients in warm water
- Once soup water boils, add all the ingredients together
- Boil on high for 30 minutes, reduce to a simmer for another 1.5 hours
- Serve and enjoy!
Any benefits?
- Helps reduce heatiness in the body
- Eliminates excess heat and helps cool the body
Any precautions?
- Women in their first trimester of pregnancy should avoid as it is an extremely cooling soup and may cause contractions
- Melon soups are best consumed within same day as keeping melon soups overnight or over an extended period will make the melons sour (and so will your soup!).