Eat in Hongkong
Lan Fong Yuen • 蘭芳園
Lan Fong Yuen, a food stall (small local Hong Kong-styled restaurant), where pantyhose milk tea was supposedly invented. They still make their milk tea the old-fashioned way, by straining it through stocking-like nets.
蘭芳園,(Lan Fong Yuen),是香港一間歷史悠久的茶餐廳,總店位於香港島中環結志街2號及4A-6號,早年以大牌檔形式經營,現時除設於大廈的舊店及新店兩間店舖外,位 於街邊的檔口仍然保留,是香港僅餘的大牌檔之一。蘭芳園於1952年由林木河創辦,並首創港式飲料「鴛鴦」,首創以茶袋沖製、俗稱絲襪奶茶的香港式濃滑奶 茶。
Hong Kong • 香港 ‘10
Thin Pancakes
Fried Duck
Best egg tart ever
Tai Cheong Bakery • 泰昌餅家
The bakery's most popular "Fat Patten's Egg Tart" (酥皮蛋撻)comes from former HK governor Chris Patten who used to be the bakery’s most regular customer and he particularly liked their egg tarts. Hence people began to call the egg tarts at this bakery “Fat Patten’s egg tarts”. They’re really delicious! Come and taste it and you will see why Chris Patten liked them that much. You can even find his photo on the window of the bakery.
Hong Kong • 香港 ‘10
Peking Duck
Roasted Suckling Pig stuffed with Rice
Leaf Dessert • 玉葉粉麵甜品
2 Elgin Street, SOHO, Central • 中環蘇豪伊利近街2號
Leaf Dessert has been serving sweet treats to appreciative customers for almost a hundred years. Having moved premises several times, it has been going strong at its present location, tucked away on Central Hollywood Road, since 1988. Named after a former boss, the dai pai dong is today in the hands of fourth-generation owner Ms Lee, who grew up eating Leaf Dessert’s delicacies. In the early days it was a small operation that offered only three kinds of dessert; today there are six specialties: Red Bean Soup, Green Bean Soup, Seaweed with Green Beans, Black Sesame Soup, Sago with Coconut, and Glutinous Rice Balls with Sugar, Coconut and Sesame. The Green Bean Soup is flavoured with a special herb known in Chinese as 'stinky grass', which despite its unappealing name tastes wonderful when mixed with the other ingredients. Their glutinous rice balls are soft, chewy and sweet. The shop opens daily from after lunch until midnight, and it makes a pleasant midway stop for people walking up and down the hill. Their freshly made Black Sesame Soup fills the air with a wonderful aroma as it cooks, so you'll know when you’re nearby. If you’re feeling especially hungry, try a bowl of Black Sesame Soup with some Glutinous Rice Balls: a snack substantial enough to make you feel like you’ve had a whole meal.
(via 'Ding Ding' Hong Kong Trame Guide)
Hong Kong • 香港 ‘10