Yi Sang - The Rainbow Sushi
Yi Sang is Cantonese for "Raw Fish" or Sashimi in Japanese. Basically, the only difference between the Chinese (Cantonese) and Japanese is they Cantonese use a lot of "colorful' stuffs like carrot, seaweed, and God know what else to spice up and to take away the pungent smell of raw fish.
It's supposed to be auspicious dish consumed only during the Chinese New Year.
What do I think ? I think it kills the beauty of raw fish. It actually spoils the goodness of Sashimi ... The color ingredients only serve to bury the freshness or juiciness of raw fish.
Zi Long
DIY yusheng for the early reunion dinner. so close now to new year festives and initially had wanted to try making xiaolong baos. but was inspired by noobcook.com to try DIY yusheng which was really easy if you can get the pre-mixes and the only part would be to grate and dry the vegetables, and to buy the toppings. you can now control the amount of raw fish and i also added scallops, abalone and jelly fish. positive feedback so i'm going to do this annually whaha!